Volume 11: 5768 / 2007-2008


The ABCs of Confession
David Stern

A High Holiday Memoir
Raymond P. Scheindlin

Jehanne Dubrow

Shelter Me in a Leaf
Kathryn Hellerstein


Mystery of the Covenant:
A New Ceremony of Simchat Brit

Debra Ruth Kolodny

Ritual of Release
Paula Marcus, Eli Cohen, and Lori Klein

A Kaddish Journal
Ruby Newman

Divrei Torah

The Mystery of the Unknown
and the Unknowable: A Dvar Torah on Shabbat Parah

Jonathan Richler

Three Easy (Torah) Pieces
Jonathan Kremer


Back to the River
Shalom Eilati

Haggadah l’Yom Zechuyot Shel Adam: A Human Rights Haggadah
Sheila Peltz Weinberg & Margaret Holub

Inviting the Demons In:
A Hasidic Approach to Suffering, Failing, and Conflict
James Jacobson-Maisels

Sweet Speech – Lashon Ha-arev
Shai Cherry

Weaving Tallitot Amy Smith

Great Rabbi Stories
Gilah Langner with Robert Saks, Allan M. Langner, Michael Swarttz,
Leila Gal Berner, Michael Feshbach, Ethan Seidel, and Carol Glass

Poetry, Midrash, Fiction, Art, Music

Psalm for Wednesday
Shari Goldman Gottlieb

Circles Within Circles
Lloyd Wolf (photo essay)

Shir Hadash: To Us All
Mark Novak

Ploni Almoni
Ethan Seidel

Yocheved’s Story
Hilene Flanzbaum

Middle Gate
Ira Stone

The Adventurer
Joseph Lipner

The Tempting
Sue Swartz

Jacob J. Staub

A Woman Asks to Be Named
Yiskah Rosenfeld

Kaddish for My Father
Elaine Starkman